Friday, January 30, 2009

Doctor Drama

Let me just start by saying I am not against all medicine, I'm not a homeopathic (not that there is anything wrong with it), and I certainly don't hate all doctors...just mine!!

On Tuesday I went in for my 37 week exam...yes, that means I'm three meagly weeks away from delivery :)...and during my conversation with my mean doctor the topic of inducing came up. As pregnant women, we all have very different philosophies/concerns about labor and delivery and one of my concerns is unnecessarily inducing labor. It works for some...but I would rather allow my body to naturally go into labor. It has been my understanding that a safe delivery is between the weeks of 38-41 (or 42 depending on the doc) but my doctor seems to think that 4 days past your due date you're high risk. I simply stated to my doc that I would like to avoid pitocin if possible...this was her reply and I'm not adding or subtracting from her words... "Pitocin is better than a stillborn. You have to weigh it out, Pitocin (pause) OR dead baby." (There were accompanying hand gestures to emphasize the two options she suggested.) AND THEN SHE WALKED OUT!! Like that was the final statement. No explanation, no talking it through, not even a goodbye/nice to see you. Unfortunately I'm weeks away from delivering and a new doc is not an option so I'm stuck with the beast. Apparently I'm not allowed to have an opinion or even request information from her as it's too burdensome.


Tara H said...

Oh my GOODNESS!! that's about all I can say about that. Well, sex is a good way to naturally induce your baby as you probably already know. You don't have to accept pitocin ever and ask for one of her partners to attend or the on-call OB if things get too tense. You can always ask for a quick monitor or ultrasound if you go over and are nervous- but someone has to order it. eek. good luck- you are right, she's a beast!!

Unknown said...

I know I don't leave comments on ya'll blog very often, but i was checking it and read this post- which i have to comment that I TOTALLY agree with you- you have the right idea about not wanting to be induced. My view on labor is that it's natural and we should let nature do it's job. Sure i do know there are risks to going over your due date- especially if your baby is measuring big- but if it's not measuring big I wouldn't worry about going a week or so over. and if that does happen, do natural things to get labor going (sex, house work, ect) I'm so sorry there is no other doctor you can go to. So for your sake and your babies i hope you go into labor on your own1 Being a mommy is so awesome! I think Phil will make a fun dad, too- tell him hi for me

Kristen said...
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Kristen said...

BEAST! What's up with that?? Dead baby my foot. Go to the hospital whenever you are ready, but then you already knew that!

Darby Family said...

Wow, your doctor is a beast! No baby is going to die just because it is 4 days past the due date. Tell her she is crazy. Hopefully he comes early and you don't have to worry about inducing. Your little man could come any day now. Isn't that so crazy?!

Unknown said...

I really hate bad doctors. really really. And good for you for being informed about your choices and having a plan. There is a risk of still birth for grossly overdue babies because the placenta starts to break down and deteriorate at a certain point. This is SO RARE, and SO UNLIKELY that I cant believe she would warrant that as a legitimate excuse to induce you. Any midwife will tell you its still in the safe zone to be 42 weeks pregnant. As long as you are being monitored. Pitocin is sometimes a necessary evil (and it makes your labor SO EVIL too!) so it has to be a case by case instance. I have never heard of a baby NOT coming out! Not Once! Your body will do what its supposed to do. And I bet you will be switching Doctors after this! I wish I could give you mine - im in love with him!!!!!!!! seriously.

Designing Woman said...

So, now you know, i occassionally stalk your blog. I am so excited for you guys...What an awful woman!!! This was the funniest/most infuriating/ridiculous thing i have heard (not to mention the most entertaining blog post i've read in awhile.) Hopefully this lady's doctor skills are better than her bedside manner (excuse any spelling errors...i have a problem).
Good luck! Can't wait to see pics of the un-induced baby!

Erick and Megan said...

Yikes. What a nasty doc! I hope she's not on call when you do go into labor naturally!

Nicole said...

Wow Melanie I'm completely livid for you! (And yes, I read your blog occasionally and don't comment, sorry, but I had to this time because of your beastly doctor.) I personally would still change doctors despite the closeness of your due date if there is someone who can give you a good recommendation, she clearly is not interested in your wishes, and it seems like you can only go "up" from her attitude. Anyway, good luck whatever you decide and congratulations on being a mom very VERY soon! yay! :)