Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Have you ever...

Gone grocery shopping without knowing you left your wallet at home??? Such a fun realization when a line of anxious shoppers are waiting to check out behind you and the clerk is standing there with an outstretched arm waiting for payment...OOPS. Also add to the situation an overtired toddler who was making his discomfort known to all who would listen.


alisa and sometimes brandon said...

No...but I have this fear. Bummer.

Lambini said...

done it, but with a new bank card that wasn't activated, and i couldn't activate it in line because i didn't have the embarrassment.

mels how are you!?

Kristen said...

I am so sorry. That is definitely on my list of dread things.... and since we abhor grocery shopping so much it just makes it that much worse.

michelle said...

Been there.....several times. It sucks!

Erick and Megan said...

no yikes but they did deny my credit card (What??) at Walmart once with 2 kids and 2 weeks worth of groceries. I guess my card had been compromised??